The Parish welcomes families bringing children for baptism as
well as young people and adults making their own choice to be
Baptism is a free gift of God, an expression of God's grace. We
can do nothing to earn it. Baptism is the main symbol of our entry
into the body of Christ, the Church.
Baptisms are conducted at St Mary's or St Peter's in the
presence of the worshipping congregation at the regular
Sunday or Wednesday service. Baptisms are not conducted
at private venues or outside communal worship services
unless there are exceptional circumstances.
Preparation with the Vicar
The Vicar expects to meet with you soon after your initial
enquiry to discuss your understanding of baptism and your hopes for
the child or yourself. This will be followed by subsequent meetings
in preparation for the commitments to be made.
There are no charges for a Baptism service. Families that do not
contribute to the Parish financially are welcome to make a donation
during the service but there is no requirement to do so.
Initial contact for Baptism is through the Parish Office (07)
575 9945
Thanksgiving for a Child
We also welcome families who want to have a service of
thanksgiving for a child. These can be conducted in a regular
service or at your home.